Zakat Fitrah Could Reduce Extreme Poverty: Research
EKISPEDIA - In the midst of rising food prices and the risk of food insecurity, the Institute For Demographic and Poverty Studies (Ideas) estimates that the potential for zakat fitrah in 2024 will be in the range of 421 thousand tons to 475 thousand tons of rice. If nominalized, the amount is equivalent to IDR 4.8 trillion to IDR 5.3 trillion.
"To overcome the risk of food insecurity, we have the tradition and worship of zakat fitrah," said Ideas researcher, Tira Mutiara, Saturday (Apr.6, 2024).
She explained that the zakat fitrah figure was obtained by estimating the number of Muslim residents who were required to pay zakat fitrah. The number is 168.3 million people to 189.9 million people or around 80.0 – 90.0 percent of the total Muslim population.
The potential for zakat fitrah has increased compared to 2023, which is around 417.3 thousand tons to 470.7 thousand tons of rice or the equivalent of Rp. 4.26 trillion–Rp. 4.74 trillion. Estimates suggest that the number of Muslim residents who are required to pay zakat fitrah is between 166.9 million people and 188.3 million people.
Tira added, if explored and distributed well, zakat fitrah has promising economic potential to alleviate poverty, especially extreme poverty. Food is the most important human need, so ensuring adequate food consumption, especially for people at the lowest levels, is crucial. Especially in credible poverty reduction efforts.
The ultimate goal that zakat fitrah wants to achieve is equal distribution of food consumption through consumption-transfer from rich groups to poor groups. "A more even distribution of food will reduce social problems in society. Especially problems originating from low food consumption such as extreme hunger, malnutrition, even stunting," she explained. (rel/rol)