Muslims Must Boycott Companies That Support Israel (Don’t Fall for the Madkhali Trap)

Muslims Must Boycott Companies That Support Israel (Don’t Fall for the Madkhali Trap)

EKISPEDIA.COM - There has been an online debate circulating recently among Muslims regarding whether or not we should boycott major companies such as McDonald’s and Starbucks for their open support of Israel.

A large portion of the small crowd that are against such boycotts argue that they won’t have any real benefit; that these monolithic companies which are financing Israel are simply too big to fail; that no matter how much we restrict ourselves from buying their products, we won’t make even the slightest dent in their essentially endless funds.

This article will not be discussing whether or not the boycotts are currently having a real-time impact on these corporations. Instead, we will be providing two reasons as to why Muslims should most certainly boycott them regardless of any financial consequences they may or may not face as a result.

Imagine a family member of yours is brutally murdered by Israeli forces. Now, imagine that, exhausted from all the barbaric murders they’ve just committed, these heartless soldiers then sit down to take a brief break before they go on to continue massacring more innocent civilians. Suddenly, running towards them at full speed, comes Ronald McDonald (the now retired signature McDonald’s clown), tray in hand, brimming with food. This clown offers these poor exhausted murderers an endless supply of free meals in the form of burgers, fries, and drinks. The murderers didn’t even need to go through the bother of getting up from their spot to go to a restaurant. Instead, the restaurant itself came to them, making sure that they don’t have to continue brutally murdering innocent civilians on an empty stomach. After all, such an arduous task requires adequate nutrition.

After finishing their hearty meal, bellies full, before moving on to executing more of your beloved family members, the soldiers wipe the blood-red ketchup marks off their faces with napkins imprinted with the McDonald’s logo, courteously offered to them by Ronald McDonald. Now, imagine that, just a few days after you had witnessed these horrific murders, you’re wandering down the street, hungry, looking for a good place to eat at. And as it just so happens, you bump into this clown. There he is, standing with tray full of food in his hands, a huge, wide grin upon his face. The only thing is, you’re not getting any of this food for free. Oh no, you will have to pay for every morsel.

Would you be able to bring yourself to consciously pay him for that food? Would your decision regarding whether or not you buy from McDonald’s really depend on the economic impact that doing so will have on the company? Or will it be based on the nausea and repulsion you feel towards this entity that supported and facilitated the unjust execution of your innocent family members?

Our decision as an Ummah, to stop buying products from billion-dollar companies which openly sanction and support the genocide of our brothers and sisters, should come purely from the heart. We should feel repulsed by the very idea of handing over our hard-earned money to the institutions which satiate the stomachs of those who continue to murder thousands of innocent men, women, and children. What would our Palestinian brothers and sisters; the children and the elderly, think of us if they—while being bombed and made to witness their dearest loved ones being torn into pieces—saw us sitting in a McDonald’s restaurant, happily gulping down Big Macs as if it were nothing?

If enough Muslims joined together in a concerted effort, of course it will make them bleed. Of course it will leave visible dents. Of course their stocks will plummet. They are people of dunya (the worldly life). Money is their greatest concern. However, even if that were not the case, it should not affect our decision to boycott them.

This is the primary reason.

Secondarily, this is the perfect time for us to practically counter consumerism.

Giant monolithic companies such as McDonald’s have gradually exerted a deep control over people’s lives. Through globalization, they’ve entrenched their roots deep into every country on Earth. Very few places remain on the planet where their influence is non-existent. And by aggressively bullying local businesses, through financial dominance and other underhanded tactics, they’ve monopolized the industry and wiped out virtually all of the competition. Now, whether it’s food, electronics, clothes, shoes, and even water (Nestle for instance), these companies reign supreme.

This, coupled with efforts to make their products as desirable and addictive as possible has resulted in people becoming dependent on them. And the dependency of the people is directly correlated to how well established these corporations are in that area. This is why people in developed countries are significantly more reliant on such companies in comparison to those in developing or underdeveloped ones.

And let’s face it, none of the products and services offered by these companies are beneficial for human health anyway. In whichever society they’ve planted their roots, every single one of these evil corporations has contributed to worsening both physical and mental health. And, in exchange for damaging people’s health, polluting the environment, and ruining several areas with all of their visual clutter, they turn over huge profits and make a board of corrupt investors very happy. The profits of, course, go back to America, where the corporates run the show.

It may very well not be an economic burden for these American companies were they forced to stop leeching off of the rest of the world. Yet, every penny lost to them is felt in their hearts.

It is easy for developing Muslim countries, like Pakistan for instance, to rely on local brands and sources, as these mega corporations are not as firmly established in these countries as they are in the Middle East or the West.

By the way, this ludicrous argument about the boycotts hurting Muslim economies is brought forth by none other than another cult brand of leeches that are currently clinging on to the Muslim Ummah: Madkhalis.

And, at the forefront of the Middle Eastern government sponsored Madkhali onslaught is one Faris Hammadi—or perhaps as he should be better known: Rabbi McDonald’s.

In a recent video, he issued a bizarre “Fatwa” in which he declared that boycotting McDonald’s is Haram. This was such an unexpected curveball that it effectively turned him instantly into a meme and laughingstock on Muslim Twitter. Did you imagine that someone with even the smallest iota of Islamic knowledge would go out of their way to defend a heartless, terrorism-supporting billion dollar corporation in such a way?

Whilst our Palestinian brothers and sisters are dying; while they’re being bombed indiscriminately, this Zionist tool has the audacity to not only discourage the ostracization of the entities that are facilitating this genocide but to declare it to be Haram!

“Disgusting” is simply too pleasant a word to describe Rabbi McDonald’s and his ilk.

Alhamdulillah, many Muslims are finally waking up to the fact that these Madkhalis are simply agents that are paid by Arab governments to propagate their corrupt agendas, such as normalization with Israel, which is undoubtedly part of the reason why Faris is so opposed to the idea of Muslims not placing their money in the hand that feeds these murdering Zionists. It would be in Faris’s interest that our money goes straight to supporting the Zionist friends of his Zionist masters. I’m sure his masters would be proud of all the public embarrassment he is now facing on their behalf.

And this also tells us that the enemy is being driven into a tight corner right now. Online support for them is dying very quickly, and they hold nothing dearer to themselves than their own reputation—a reputation that has now been flushed wholly down the toilet thanks to Muslims tirelessly calling out and exposing each and every one of their despicable lies. The more desperate they get, the more they show their hand; and the more they’re utterly exposed. Incidents like the one with Faris just go to show that they’re finding it extremely difficult to try and remain subtle regarding their plans.

May Allah continue to expose them even more and foil their plans spectacularly. Amin.

And perhaps McDonald’s should consider making Faris their next mascot. Since Ronald McDonald has been retired for a while now; and since the timing appears to be good, Rabbi McDonald may be the perfect candidate to replace him, since they would just be replacing one clown with another.

Source: muslimskeptic

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