Government Collaborates with Waqf Journalists Forum to Improve Literacy

EKISPEDIA.COM - The potential of the waqf sector in Indonesia, especially cash waqf, is estimated to reach 180 trillion rupiah per year. The Indonesian Waqf Agency (BWI) noted that the acquisition of cash waqf as of March 2022 reached 1.4 trillion rupiah, this figure has increased when compared to the acquisition of cash waqf collected during 2018-2021 worth 855 billion rupiah.
However, the acquisition of cash waqf is only about half a percent of the total potential. One of the reasons for this gap between potential and realization is that the literacy level of waqf is still low, namely the index score is only 50.48 based on a study by BWI and the Ministry of Religion in 2020.
Therefore, strengthening waqf literacy in a sustainable manner needs to be encouraged, especially by waqf activists such as the Indonesian Waqf Journalists Forum (Forjukafi).
"It is necessary to strengthen literacy on an ongoing basis, mainly on 3 elements, namely literacy on waqf property, the designation of waqf property, and waqf institutions," said Vice President (Vice President) KH Ma'ruf Amin when opening a virtual Forjukafi working meeting, from the Residence Official Vice President, Jalan Diponegoro Number 2, Central Jakarta, Friday (07/10/2022).
Furthermore, the Vice President explained that the variety of waqf object assets is not limited to fixed assets, such as land, buildings, or buildings, but can also be in the form of money.
"The concept of cash waqf must be one of the focuses of literacy content so that people understand it properly," he said.
Next, said the Vice President, the allocation of waqf property is not only for worship facilities, but can also be used for various purposes, such as health services, education, and economic empowerment of the people.
Meanwhile, the institutional element of waqf, added the Vice President, is closely related to the belief of the wakif (waqf giver) that Nazir has managed the waqf in a transparent and accountable manner.
"The public needs to recognize the management and operations of good waqf management institutions and which Nazir institutions have been registered with BWI, including various success stories of waqf management," said the vice president.
Therefore, according to the Vice President, the National Waqf Index that BWI has developed as a tool for measuring waqf performance also needs to be disseminated to the general public.
"I think the public needs to know about this in order to be more confident that waqf institutions will continue to be encouraged to be better in the future," he added.
With regard to this literacy, the Vice President believes that the presence and involvement of Forjukafi journalists, as providers of accurate and qualified information, can build positive public opinion while increasing public literacy about waqf.
"The more communicative and massive news about waqf in various media channels is the key to increasing public literacy about waqf," said the vice president.
The vice president also asked for the waqf literacy program for journalists to be expanded, including strengthening the synergy and cooperation of Forjukafi with BWI and various other stakeholders.
"From this good literacy, we hope that the community's collective awareness will grow and expand to be more actively involved and participate in mobilizing the collection of waqf," he said.
Previously, the General Chairperson of Forjukafi Wahyu Muryadi assessed that this waqf journalist forum was born as an extraordinary awareness to jointly advance waqf in Indonesia. The concern of journalists, Wahyu said, is needed considering that so far the issue of waqf is less popular than the issue of zakat, infaq, and alms so that there are still misunderstandings about waqf.
“I hope for support from all parties, especially those present, to wholeheartedly raise waqf for the welfare of this country. Hopefully this first working meeting will provide the greatest benefit to Muslims, the nation and the state," said Wahyu.
Present at this event were the Chairman of the People's Consultative Assembly, Bambang Soesatyo and journalists from various platforms.
Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by the Head of the Vice Presidential Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Economic Development Policy Support and Competitiveness Improvement Guntur Iman Nefianto, Special Staff for the Vice President for Communication and Information Masduki Baidlowi, and Special Staff for the Vice President for Poverty Reduction and Regional Autonomy Muhammad Imam Aziz. (rel)
Source: ekispedia