The Story of Often Alms Friday, The Rice Stall Was Away From Fire Disasters

EKISPEDIA.COM - One of the rewards of almsgiving is to prevent ourselves from disasters and calamities which are often referred to as sadaqah rejecting calamities and calamities as the Prophet SAW said: "Hurry up to give charity, because calamities can never precede alms. Buy all your troubles with alms".
The hadith above is real, it is proven when you see the Simprug Golf area that has been burned. The red rooster devoured the houses belonging to 133 families (KK) or 398 people who were affected. This simple warung still stands firmly among the rubble of the former building which began to crumble and almost merged with the ground.
The police line still stretches around the 4×12 meter stall since the fire broke out. The shop, which is dominated by yellow and green colors, is a silent witness to the ferocity of the fire that burned the residents' houses.
At that time, around 10.00 WIB, Zaini's brother was guarding Sri Rohayati's stall as usual by serving customers. When they put the food in the shop window, there were screams from residents to get out of the house.
"It happened when I was serving people, why did I get excited? When I saw it came out there was a puff of smoke from behind," he said.
He panicked too. "I was so panicked, I didn't give customers a drink," said Zaini when met at the shop.
Zaini immediately woke up her father who was sleeping in the upstairs room. He quickly grabbed some salvageable items such as clothes and money to take out.
After leaving the shop, several volunteers began to arrive and help transport items that could still be saved, such as refrigerators, shop windows and rice cookers. According to Zaini, at that time the atmosphere was colored by panic. Residents save themselves from the fire.
He and his three family members immediately fled to safety. After some time after cooling down the fire, Zaini was surprised to see that the condition of the shop where she was selling was still intact and not burned down like other houses.
After he saw the condition of the shop after the fire, only the walls of the upper room were slightly burned and the ventilation of the lower floor was burned. He also conveyed the news to his brother and shop owner, Sri who was in his village, Brebes (Central Java).
"Yes, maybe a miracle from Allah SWT. My brother, when he sells prayers and alms, he never misses it," he said.
"Every Friday we also give free food and drinks," said Sri gratefully.
Sri said that his family had been carrying out the "Blessing Friday" action for a long time by providing free food and drinks to residents in need. In addition, the owner of this stall joins the community in Pamulang by becoming a donor by giving alms in the form of money when he has more sustenance. (*)
Source: bwi